Health Care

Foreign students studying in our country can benefit from general health insurance if they make a request within three months from the first registration date. The insurance premiums, which are officially announced every year, are paid monthly by the students. Health insurance is limited to the period of study. The students who do not apply within three months cannot benefit from general health insurance during their education. Students can be included in the system by applying to the Social Security Provincial Directorate or Social Security Centers in Ankara with their foreign national (YU) number.

Scholarship students are insured by the institution they receive the scholarship according to the conditions of the scholarship they receive. The insurance procedures of the students who benefit from the Turkey Scholarships given by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB) are carried out by YTB and their premiums are also covered by this institution.

Note: Students who have missed the specified time periods can benefit from private health insurance opportunities.